Digital Domination
“Digital Domination 360” Justifies All the objective of Digital Marketing. To create, Optimize and Promote a Product/Service with complete analysis and in creative ways on Digital Platforms. This Package delivers All the necessities that needs to be optimized to promote your business online.
SMO (Social Media Optimization)
Creation and Optimization of Social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest) A Total Setup by designing a Page Avatar, Wall Page, Profile Picture in a Tailored way to have an unique Representation We Create your Social Media page in a Unique Way Optimize it and make it feasible to Engage with your Audiences Total analytics and Maintenance of Social Media Page with Monthly Reports
SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
Making your website Google Friendly making your website appear in the front page of google search engine. Integration of Google adwords and Pay-Per Click Ads Building the Right Adwords Campaigns and setting up a Bid Strategy while doing a Complete Keyword Research.
SEO (Search Engine Optimiization)
A Total Optimization of ON PAGE and OFF PAGE. Making your website Google Friendly making your website appear in the front page of Google Search Engine Organically Integration in Google Analytics, web master tools and Building Back Links to Produce maximum output for the Websites. Creating a Keyword Planning Strategy and Ranking High in A Top Searched Keyword and Doing a complete Competitor Analysis.
SMM (Social Media Marketing)
Marketing all your Social Media Pages with Unlimited Posts Promotions 15 photo Content posts and 5 Video Content Posts and also running 5 Successful Ad Campaigns Monthly . Our Social Media Marketing Team Ensures that your Company Gets the Optimal Social Media Reach
Design Works
This is the Perfect Package for Start up companies that are looking to make a statement. We completely Design your company. Starting right from the logo and do all the design work like making Banners, Standee, Brochures. T-shirts A Total 6 Design Works Monthly
Content Creation
Our content developing team formulates Fresh and Engaging content to evoke the audience to engage,be it Blog posts, Videos, Social media ad copies or whatsoever We offer Creation of Photo Content We optimize your Web Home Page Creation of Videos and all Contents like Promotions, Campaigns and Content Creation for Blogs and an infomercial video Every month .
Professional Shoots
We at DigiCop also Offer a One day Photo & Video Shoot monthly for Content Creation
E-mail Marketing
The best E-mail marketing Services we Offer here at Digicop. We strategize and Create a target Audience where we send attractive and creative E-mails for Maximum conversions
Guest Blogging
We also do Guest Postings We write innovative Blog articles for your website and blog. We do postings for your website and Our articles are engaging and keeps the reader always hooked onto the Post. Writing Creative SEO Friendly Blogs and posts and posting regularly in your website
To Know More
If you would like to know more about this package and how it would help your business and to take it forward in your own customized way feel free to call us anytime
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