Google offers tools such as Google webmaster and Google Analytics to monitor the performance of the website. Google’s search console provides information regarding the crawling websites. It also provides information like which query pushes the website traffic. Keywords can be the long tail or short tail and it depends upon the product reach. But I would advice you to use long tail keywords as the competition for those words will be less. What is a long tail keyword? Well, they are three or four specific keywords. When usually an audience types in 3 or 4 word phrases they are very specific with their search and know what they are going to buy.The URL should be in short form and relevant to promote the website. Let me tel you in detail about the factors that will make you rank top in google’s search engine in 2018.
Content Marketing in 2018
In 2018, Digital marketing has hit new highs its not just Keywords that make you rank but also the quality of content. Content Marketing has become the kings of digital marketing especially visual marketing. Social media marketing strategies are created upon the High quality Content submitted in Facebook, Instagram and other social media Platforms. Relevancy of content to the product is the most important factor for content creation.Understanding Human Psychology and how an audience base will react to the content posted should be Deciphered. The Content should not only be of completely selling the product but should have a motive of giving true information to the audience. The complete perspective of content writing should be in the perspective of a user and not googles perspective. Make sure you don’t exercise your knowledge of the English language to much in your content You don’t want your audience to look into a Thesaurus. The Content should be easily readable to your audience and must consist of simple to the point words. Use focus keywords while writing SEO friendly content you must ad Alt tag texts to your images and ad your focus keywords in your meta Description. Regulating content and adding an attractive SEO title will help you rank in this world of high competition in digital marketing. Never keyword stuff your content article. Use of too many repeated keywords in one article will make your article unreadable. This will have a negative impact in the eyes of google’s bot.
So content writing helps you increase your website visits and increase the number of daily traffic to the website
The goal should also be that you must make your audience engage with you. As the organic reach in Facebook is dead. The campaign ads are good but hosting live polls and engaging customers to comment on your posts brings in more of a reach. Take a look at M-canvas ads a mobile only advertising service with engaging and interactive and engaging ad formats. Unlike any other ad formats in social media they use high quality pictures and videos that help you easily engage and creates a good visual experience to the audience. Solving customer problems, identifying the purpose of your channel and ultimate user friendly implementation is the key for content creation, Here at DigiCop we make sure we follow all the steps to assure you that when it comes to Content Creation and keeping up with the trends of 2018 we are the right company for you.
SEO Strategies in 2018
Well, There are three techniques White hat, Gray hat and black hat SEO. White hat SEO techniques consist of quality content, link building, optimizing the website. Black hat SEO are techniques which are not followed by the Google. Black hat techniques are keyword stuffing, link spam, hidden text, hidden link, and cloaking.Black Hat SEO is not recommended by us. It Brings quick growth but when google’s bot scans the website it will know that the content is done for the purpose of ranking and google might revoke the website. Grey hat SEO is the combination of both the white and black hat technique. Guests post, public relations, and competitor analysis are some of the SEO techniques used to make the page ranking better. If the ranking is good then it increases the impression of the website.We at DigiCop noticed that white hat SEO is the best SEO strategy. It develops steady development.
The SEO tools that make the world a better place :
We at DigiCop use several Google Tools and Third party Tools.These tools will let you identify and understand all the data needed to identify your SEO Progress. Your website status the traffic that your site receives. Where your website ranks. The trending keywords for the past months and an overall overview of website insights. DigiCop uses all these tools to its maximum potential to identify its Progress when it comes to where a company stands in SEO. DigiCop comes up with custom Strategies, back-linking strategies, internal linking strategies to enhance the SEO status for a company. We realised that as important as on-page optimisation is equal importance should be given in off page optimisation. This can be done only by link building and generating link juices. This helps us build a complete SEO friendly article.
Conclusion :
These are the factors you need to know in 2018 to rank high on googles search engine. We at DigiCop follow Certain Rules and Strategies that make us and our cliental companies rank high in Googles Search Engine Algorithm. The ultimate conclusion is to put out customer friendly quality content and SEO friendly content. Restructure your website with us at DigiCop and we can assure you that we will make sure your company is ready for the next step in digital marketing.