Good day readers, Happy New years to you all. This New years we at DigiCop are going to help you exponentially Improve The Quality of Leads you generate and basically make your business grow. To Generate Quality leads the first thing you must understand is how serious you must take these following steps we tell you. Just to put you in perspective on how much potential the internet has to develop your business I’d like to throw in some facts. The total amount of internet users in 2018 were 4 Billion. The highest ever recorded, In 2019 it is expected to grow much more. In that 4 Billion India Amounts to a new high of more than 500 million users and is expected to grow this year. Yea, So The potential is HUGE. You might be having a very large company with large investments but it amounts to nothing if you can’t make consistent leads. So here are the steps for constant lead Generation via Digital.

Optimization of website

A results of a Survey conducted by a Linkedin B2B Technology Survey which comprised of more than 800 B2B Marketers Indicate that website Optimization for Better Lead acquisition is among the top 3 effective lead generation ideas. A website is the true face of a company in digital terms. You might have a very successful social media presence but in the end you always redirect your leads to your website. Website Optimization is the first step to get Quality Leads.


Customer Focused Website Navigation

You want to keep Your website as customer focused as possible. The customer must find it easy to Navigate through your website. Easy Contact information. This should just be a click away.

Set Multiple Call now Buttons

Set up a dedicated Phone number for accepting calls.Make sure you have a call now button on every web page in your website.


Define your Pricing schemes


If you are dealing with selling products make sure you define the price of your product. The Customer must easily be able to access The products in its various categories according to the price range.


Easy Access to lead generation forms

Make sure you have lead Generation forms both in your main content and sub contents on every page. The Customers should have easy access to these forms. Now, If you follow these steps your website has be optimised towards lead generation. The Next few steps are very crucial to converting them leads.


Respond to them as quickly as possible  

When a customer shows interest  towards your product or service. It is important to respond to them as quick as possible. It’s important to get to a Lead when it’s still hot. A survey suggests on 37% of companies respond to the leads within the first one hour of enquiry. Customer experience is a factor. Response time is a BIg factor in Converting Leads. Its as simple as that Reduce Your response time and convert quality leads.


Ads with Attractive Message

Social Media is one of the largest source of Lead Generations. But we at DigiCop would advise you to look at display ads. By posting content on the ads For Example if you are a travel agency Your ad must contain A USP. Have Sufficient Information but do not overload information. A catchy Tagline will do no harm